Last updated at 23 hours ago
DIN: 03511518
Nitin Pahuja is currently associated with 2 companies as Director. They serve as a Director at HEMA AUTO LIMITED and have other roles in different companies. They are registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) of India and hold a DIN of 03511518.Nitin Pahuja has previously been associated with 6 companies in roles such as Additional Director, Whole-time director and Director.Nitin Pahuja is currently involved in 1 different role. Their most recent position is with EMKAY INFOTECH LIMITED as a Director. The first company Nitin Pahuja was appointed to as a director was HEMA AUTO LIMITED. Nitin Pahuja has a status of Deactivated. Please verify the details for any specific requirements or conditions.
Nitin Pahuja is currently associated with 2 companies as Director. They serve as a Director at HEMA AUTO LIMITED and have other roles in different companies. They are registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) of India and hold a DIN of 03511518.Nitin Pahuja has previously been associated with 6 companies in roles such as Additional Director, Whole-time director and Director.Nitin Pahuja is currently involved in 1 different role. Their most recent position is with EMKAY INFOTECH LIMITED as a Director. The first company Nitin Pahuja was appointed to as a director was HEMA AUTO LIMITED. Nitin Pahuja has a status of Deactivated. Please verify the details for any specific requirements or conditions.
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Current Companies (2)
Current LLPs (0)
Past Companies (6)
2y 6m 1y 3m Interval
Company Name | Designation | Date of Appointment |
HEMA AUTO LIMITED | Director | 01-Mar-2015 |
EMKAY INFOTECH LIMITED | Director | 28-Sep-2018 |